Testimonial Francesca

Our experience with Marcellina has been amazing from the beginning, when we consulted her back in 2020 we were lost and a bit discouraged.
We adopted our cat Mario from the “dierenasiel” when he was 5 months old, not knowing anything about his past upbringing. At one point Mario was marking his territory in the house with urine and performing a few other problematic behaviours.
The first visit of Marcellina has been precious for the all family, providing us with a lot of valuable tips and observations.
We entered an incredible journey, accompanied by weekly support that brought us to understand the nature of our beloved cat.
Marcellina has knowledge, sensitivity, empathy and especially a deep understanding of cat’s feelings and behaviours.
The support of Marcelina has been endless in various situations, even long after the first consultation.
Today we are very grateful and happy to have entered this journey that made our Mario happy and us in harmony with him!